Well, butter my bread and call me a biscuit! Bitches Get Riches just won the 11th Annual Plutus Award for Personal Finance Blog of the Year.
We’ve actually been up for this award every year since we launched this blog in 2017. But of course 2020 would be our year, wouldn’t it?!

I’ve decided I find it the ultimate compliment to be considered the best personal finance blog in 2020. This supremely wretched year has been packed with so much darkness and chaos. Maybe the traditional advice-dispensers—the people who really know what they’re doing, and have perfect faith in our world and its systems—found themselves as lost as everybody else.
Luckily, our tumultuous lives have trained Piggy and I in the crucial survival skill of making absolutely fucking everything up as we go along.
Perhaps we aren’t the noble lions of this world, but the crafty raccoons! We’re adept at digging through garbage with our creepy little trash!panda hands to find the next morsel of sanity and stability. And since there’s never been a year with more garbage to sort through, doesn’t it make sense that this was our time to shine?

The Plutus Awards
For the five of you who aren’t personal finance nerds, here’s what this all means.
The Plutus Awards are the Oscars of the personal finance community. And Blog of the Year is the biggest of big deals. Winning it is like winning Best Picture. It’s the highest honor in our industry.
Well, maybe there are a handful of rarer, more coveted industry awards. Like the Hamilton B. Urglar Memorial Award for Excellence in Hamburglary. Or the Golden Vulva for Best Full-Body Vagina Costume. But honestly I think those are rigged. The same people win them year after year.
So for us, this is as good as it gets.
Our community
Piggy and I launched Bitches Get Riches in 2017. We were nominated for this award our very first year. Which… came as a huge shock. We didn’t know anyone was reading our blog—let alone with enough enthusiasm to nominate it for something. Also: there are awards?!

But it’s true. In the past we’ve won Best Blog for Women, Best Blog for Millennials & Gen Z, and Funniest Personal Finance Blog, with nominations for several others. We felt very content with our past wins. We were queens of the cool niches! So we were absolutely not expecting to win Blog of the Year.
Plutus Awards are pretty meaningful to us because the nominations come from within our professional community—a community that was unexpectedly, immediately welcoming to us.
We came in ready to be Molotov-hurling scene disrupters. But this amazing existing community of Non-Lame Personal Finance Folks was like “hell yeah, nice Mollies, care to join us for tea and criticizing the American healthcare system?”
No matter what your hobbies and passions are, it helps tremendously to have a community around you. Their encouragement and generosity have made us so much better at what we do.
A mission worth stanning
Let me tongue asshole for just a moment, s’il vous plaît.
In particular, Harlan Landes and the other folks at the Plutus Foundation have inspired and impressed us with their commitment to promoting diverse voices. They have thrown elbows to make space for women, people of color, queer people, and other marginalized groups. They fund very, very necessary projects for teaching financial literacy to underserved communities, like Bravely Go’s Talk Money to Me series.
Although I’m awfully pleased with our Blog of the Year Award, my greatest source of joy was hearing another of our nominations read aloud at the awards show. “The next nominee for the Best Current Events Content Related to Personal Finance Award is: Bitches Get Riches for The Biggest Threat to Black Wealth is White Terrorism.” Like, damn. It is so meaningful just to hear it said out loud.
(We rightly lost to Michelle Is Money Hungry’s A Candid Conversation About Race. Go read that right fucking now.)
It’s so much more meaningful to be recognized—in any capacity—by an institution that’s truly open to exploring the complicated messiness of deep conversations about money. It’s not the same old circle-jerk of techbros talking about how easy it is.
We would never be up for that award—and we wouldn’t want it anyway.

Have you met my dear friend, Imposter Syndrome?
Our Next Life… Rich and Regular… these past Blog of the Year winners are freaking legends. And we feel pretty small standing next to them.
Past winners of this award have, like, books n’ shit! They’ve appeared in documentaries, been talking heads on the news! They’ve written for The New York Times and Forbes and other sundry fancy newspapers with paywalls! They have glossy, nice-looking headshots on glossy, nice-looking websites that are definitely not personally administrated by the people in those headshots! They have teams! Not even teams, but like… staff!
Maybe that’s why this feels so unreal.
Piggy and I are just two idiots with a WordPress. If blogs were corporeal, ours would be covered in Cheeto dust.
We don’t promote ourselves. Traditionally, we just… sorta show up wherever we’re invited, ten minutes late and covered in pet hair?
We don’t have a sophisticated social media strategy. Our Instagrams are a start-stop stream of chicken photography.
We don’t do the whole SEO thing. Our content schedule is a fever dream text thread. No pipelines. No admins. Fuck that level of productivity and organization, we have video games from 2006 in urgent need of replaying! The following suggestive Patreon button is as hard of a sell as we’re gonna give anybody.
We just sorta do what we like. Which is mostly: be honest, be deep, and try to help people, but make it funny. That’s the closest thing to a mission statement we’ll ever have.
And I can’t attribute this win—of being the year’s best personal finance blog —to anything other than that, because it’s the only thing we do well. So that’s exactly what we’ll keep doing.
Thanks to all of you for being along for the ride.
Thank you. Just… thank you. Thank you.
i find your language offensive, clean it up
No thanks! 🙂
Pfft. This is a joke, right?
I’m not a huge fan of the f-bomb in otherwise serious writing (it’s a distraction) but when the content is this good, it’s not a deal breaker for me. Just let your eyes hop over it and keep reading. If an old fart (63) like me can do it, so can you.
You’re our favorite kind of old fart! We aspire to be just like you!
I find your language, and this award, FUCKING AMAZING! Congratulations!
I’m offended that you’re offended. Kitty and Piggy are Queens.
In case it isn’t clear from the title of the fucking blog, there’s gonna be some language.
Congratulations, Piggy and Kitty, on an amazing 4th Plutus Award in 4 years! Across multiple categories, to boot! Brava, Bitches!
(sorry Sarah, my phone acted up and made this a reply to you, when it was supposed to be to “L”)
TY TY!!!
Why thank you, my dear!
YESSSSSSSSSSS! Ya’ll are my absolute FAVORITE finance blog and this award makes total sense! Eat some cheese crackers, pet a chicken, you’ve done it Bitches!
Well shucks. If you insist!!!
Congratulations, you two incredibly talented, vivacious, eloquent, sexy, gorgeous, fucking amazing Bitches of Personal Finance Blogs! Piggy & Kitty, Kitty & Piggy are da meilleur des meilleurs.
I’ve read sooooo many personal finance blogs that I can quote them, including the techie boys club easy squeezy ones and, while a few were particularly relevant to my situation, you two feel like family, like you’re reading my mind (and my journal) and simply understand what’s up. Always. Plus you have mad skills in writing, timing, fabo GIFs, and you don’t bombard your readers with ads that I’d be X-clicking anyway, so BRAVO for all your finesse and fucking flair!
Note: that last part is particularly why I’m all up in your Patreon.
YOU Bitches deserve some champagne, STAT!
Congratulations: I’m going to NOT read the news in bed tonight, and make this comment the last thing I read before I fall asleep so I’ll slip into Dreamland with a 50% satisfied, 50% egomaniacal smile on my face. Thank you, Lacey! ❤️
I suspect that I know who Kitty actually is. Which makes this award even more absurd. If she is who I think she is, then I think I know her dad, and I think he’s probably very proud of her.
Schrodinger’s Dad, everyone!
YASSSSS, y’all are incredible and are very much deserving of this award. Congratulations!! Thank you for all you do and the perfect humor (and language) that goes along with all the words of wisdom. Your blog is exactly how I want to learn about money! If anyone sees this and hasn’t joined their Patreon, hop to it! These Bitches deserve it and it is 1000000% worth it.
Ugh, lord, where do we find all these nice fukkin’ people?! Thank you, Kiersten! That is so, so kind of you, we so appreciate it. I hope you enjoyed our mangling of your fine name on the podcast
You guys really deserve it! Love reading your articles. Always educational and fun!
Congratulations from Hungary. I hope next year you will win an international award!
Thank you so much, our darling Hungarian butterfly!!!!
Great work! Congratulations!!! I hope that person was joking about cleaning up your language. I understand English very well. Nothing to clean there.
Why thank you!!! And alas, most people who ask us to clean up our language are not joking. They just don’t like curse words coming… from a blog… called BITCHES Get Riches????
Congratulations! This award makes so much sense to me, since this is the blog I come to when I want real people level of finance talk rather than a blog that tells me to cut lattes and invest the sudden $1,500 extra income!
Your podcast has me laughing at my desk while I do boring accountant shit like rolling forward tax information for 15,000 clients. Keep doing you, and please send me a dog or two.
Why thank you, pookie!!! When Bitch Nation is a real country, we shall bequeath unto you at least 17 dogs.
BIG congrats for the award! Continue what you are doing IN THE WAY THAT you are doing it 🙂 You rock!
Your wish is our command!!! And thank you so much for the ‘grats.