In recent years your humble Bitches have been hired to give a few live, in-person speeches and workshops. We always ask the organizers to set a topic (since as you know, we can talk for hours on everything from our chickens to how everyone in the world can be categorized as either a Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard or a Dr. Richard Kimble from the 1993 classic The Fugitive). And we give our spin on whatever they suggest.
Then something interesting happened. During our closing Q&A sessions, no matter what the topic of our presentation was, the conversation with our audience would turn towards the same issue.
That issue was burnout.
Our call to action
Now, we already knew that burnout is a widespread issue. After all, we live on this planet. We’ve delved into the topic quite a bit over the years.
But seeing the pain in people’s eyes and hearing the desperation in their voices was a whole new level of fuckery. Awareness dawned on us that burnout is, for many people, a life-swallowing emergency faced without help, support, or even basic human compassion. These poor people are like sailors lost at sea. They use all of their strength to just keep floating for another moment. They’re too exhausted and depleted to swim for land, even if we told them where it was and how to get there. Our voices were reaching them far too late.
We’ve always felt it was our mission to help people. So when we saw for ourselves how many talented, bright, good-hearted people burnout was grinding into a fine powder, our new goal became clear.
And then we got to work.

Now, at long last, we’re unveiling the fruits of our labor.
The Burnout Workshop, presented by Bitches Get Riches and written by us, is complete. Unlike in the past, you don’t have to attend an in-person event to hear it. It’s available to everyone, everywhere—and you can take it right now.
The Burnout Workshop
Based on exhaustive research and hundreds of conversations with friends and readers suffering from the effects of burnout, our first-ever publicly available online course includes:
- A full-ass movie-length video you can watch (and rewatch) at your own pace.
- A thick and juicy 75+ page workbook crammed with exercises, personality tests, guided questions, tips, resources, and more.
- Empirical research on what burnout is and why it’s so uniquely life-ruining.
- Real, actionable ideas to heal yourself with no boot-licking and no bullshit.
By taking the Burnout Workshop, we want everyone to…
- Practice identifying the major red flags of burnout, including the three that scare us the most.
- Understand the biological processes that make stress both harmful and beneficial.
- Know the physiological and psychological effects burnout causes within our bodies
- Discover the 5 personality traits that make you easier to manipulate and prone to burning out.
- Learn to spot the 5 environmental traits that all toxic, evil, soul-sucking shitholes have in common.
- Identify your self-sabotaging behaviors and try exercises to reverse them.
- Develop habits, tactics, and scripts to defend yourself from toxic environments.
- Laugh politely at our obscure references, cringey gags, and gallows humor.
- Learn what powers you already have, and how to wield them to get what you need.
- Stop taking personal responsibility for systemic problems.
- Internalize the truth that it doesn’t have to be this way.
- Walk away with concrete plans for change.
The workshop is designed to be self-guided, so you can proceed through the lessons and exercises at your own pace. At the end you’ll feel like a burning torch that has just been plunged into the sea: your burn quenched, your mind soothed, your steam very cinematic and cool-looking!

Can I get a lil’ sneak up in this peek?
Hell yes. We’ve posted the introduction to the Burnout Workshop to YouTube to whet your whistle—a phrase whose mysterious and frankly disgusting origins we’ve never considered until just now. Watch it below.
How to access the Burnout Workshop
You can access the video and included workbook together through our Patreon page. You do not need to be a Patron to sign up! Click the link below to get started.
If you like it, please share it. We want to reach as many people as we can, and we could really use your help spreading the word!
We made the Burnout Workshop as affordable as possible. The obscene prices random influencers charge for AI-crafted horseshit is both professionally shocking and existentially terrifying to our frugal selves. Not in our workshop, friends. Like Gaston’s bare chest, every last inch of this is covered… with love. It represents hundreds of hours of our labor, including video editing from our amazing producer Ducky, who we take pride in paying a fair living wage for her efforts.
If you’re on a budget, there’s good news! We’re offering the course workbook as a standalone purchase for a fraction of the price. You’ll miss out on our lively banter, personal anecdotes, jokes, memes, and stories—but all of the critical information in still there. You can self-administer the course pretty well if you follow the workbook, and pause occasionally to dwell on old episodes of random cartoons you half-remember from your childhood.

Big major super duper THANK YOU
Over the last few months while we worked on the Burnout Workshop, the blog and podcast took a backseat. (Maybe you noticed we republished a lot of stuff and haven’t even released season 5 of the podcast yet.) This project has been a ton of work for us. We did it in the hopes that this new endeavor could help us reach readers who need help desperately, and aren’t gonna get it elsewhere.
Throughout this process our Patreon supporters stood by us, funding our work and keeping the lights on around here. And they did so without complaint, despite a sharp decline in the frequency of new content. We can’t thank them enough for their trust and patience.
Which is why our Patreon supporters got the workbook for the course FOR FREE a few weeks ago! In addition, Our Moms (the highest tier of Patreon support) are getting the workbook and the course video entirely for free (we love you, Our Moms). So if you’re interested in the course, but you’d rather support our mission with a continuous donation instead of a one-time purchase, you can do all of that through our Patreon.
From the bottom of our bitchy little hearts… thank you. We’ll be back with more of our regular stuff soon enough!
You’ve put out a lot of amazing content here at BGR the past several years, but this is your best yet! At least for me, it was so impactful Reading through it, seeing myself (and so many horrible bosses/situations/workplaces) represented.
I *almost* looked back at those places fondly, because I was looking back at them a few years removed and from a different perspective, but the shivers and night terrors of yore were evidence of the Bad Places they truly were.
Thank you for this very objective assessment of our work. Your check is in the mail.
It’s such a relief to know you’re out of such a toxic industry and living your best life. Your happiness and mental well-being is way more important than any KPI at a toxic workplace!
Argleblargel a burnout workshop has been bouncing around my head for a while too, and you beat me to it but I can’t even be mad because nobody else would do it better than BGR!
Aw shucks Jen!!! In that case we’re not sorry we beat you to it. But we appreciate you so much! Spread the word!