On the spectrum of compassion for fellow humans, I fall somewhere between Daniel Plainview and Vegeta, Prince of All Saiyans. I’m ruthless and self-interested and generally take a dim view of the collective worth of mankind. But like many a cold-hearted misanthrope, I’m a secret, tenderhearted lover of animals. In fact, I’m a big gay pussy for animals and I can say that because <flashes QUEER WOMAN CARD>. Pets are the fucking best.
As bikevangelist Mister Money Mustache points out in his infuriating-but-factually-correct Great News! Dog Ownership is Optional!, ownership of pets is expensive, lifestyle-altering, and entirely optional. Americans spend over $60 billion every year on their pets. It’s an enormous financial and logistical commitment that should be thoroughly explored before adding pets to your family.
Which is why I’ve set out to rank the financial efficiency of the most common kinds of household pets.
The methodology of ranking pets
There are five metrics that go into this score: companionship, utility, time, lifespan, and cost. I’ve assumed the hypothetical ideal pet loves you with all the platonic passion of a Nicholas Sparks protagonist, cooks your breakfast for you, takes care of itself, lives a good long time, and costs nothing at all. Each of these pets is judged on a scale of zero to five, as outlined below.
Companionship scale:
0: Cannot be touched, does not recognize or react to you
1: Cannot be touched, but recognizes or reacts to you
2: Can be touched, avoidant or fearful of touch
3: Can be touched, neutral to touch
4: Can be touched, enjoys touch
5: Independently seeks out and initiates prolonged touch
Obviously all pets are different. One of my guinea pigs flees from my hand as from a hawk’s talon; the other one falls asleep on my chest, licking my hand like a dog. The former would be a 2 on this scale, the latter a 4.5. I rank based on the average of the range of personalities, not their outliers.
Utility scale:
0: No utilitarian value, drains household resources
1: Is pleasing or peaceful to passively observe
2: Contributes rarely to the household
3: Contributes occasionally to the household
4: Contributes daily to the household
5: Contributes daily to the household in multiple dimensions
Both cats and dogs can drive pest mice from a house, but only the dog can drive burglars from the same house. They both get good utility scores, but the dog’s is higher because there’s a broader range of helpful actions it can be trained to perform. Pets that passively produce (like chickens with eggs) rank higher than animals that require husbandry (like goats with milk). My assumption is that no pets would be considered for slaughter and consumption… despite how scrumptious my guinea pigs look. (Ugh. They’re like fat little steaks wearing sexy woman wigs.)
I gave all pets a baseline score of a half point, because I see inherent utilitarian value in the act of caring for another living creature. No matter how little or how much work is involved, it cultivates responsibility and a sense of engagement.
Time scale:
0: Requires more than two hours of labor per day
1: Requires one hour of labor per day
2: Requires thirty minutes of labor per day
3: Requires ten minutes of labor per day
4: Requires five minutes of labor per day
5: Requires zero minutes of labor per day
Again, I’ve averaged things out based on the general behaviors of each species. Some dogs need several hours of exercise every day, and some need to be pried off the couch with a lever and fulcrum. The time metric is limited to the amount of time you need to invest to keep the animal alive and healthy: feeding and watering it, cleaning up its waste, grooming it, etc. It doesn’t factor in elective fun time beyond the amount the animal needs to stay sane and physically healthy.
Lifespan scale:
0: Lives 1 year or less or more than 60 years
1: Lives 3 years or 50 years
2: Lives 5 years or 40 years
3: Lives 10 years or 30 years
4: Lives 15 years or 25 years
5: Lives 20 years
This one was interesting. I initially envisioned this as a straightforward scale where the ideal age of a pet is 20+ years. However, there are a few pets on this list that can theoretically outlive human beings. This seems like a really daunting commitment.
This is very woo-woo and unscientific, but I decided that a twenty-year commitment seemed best as that’s about how long our own human offspring rely on us. I think you could make the argument that’s the length of time our brains are hardwired to focus on nurturing another creature. The cat I got when I was eight years old lived to see me married. That seemed like a really lovely amount of time, and I felt I couldn’t possibly ask for any more. But my childhood dog only lived half as long, and I felt like she left me far too soon.
Cost scale:
0: Costs $20,000 or more over its lifetime
1: Costs $10,000 over its lifetime
2: Costs $5,000 over its lifetime
3: Costs $2,500 over its lifetime
4: Costs $1,000 over its lifetime
5: Costs less than $500 over its lifetime
I blush at the amount of research that went into this section. The two most puzzling factors were the initial cost of the animal and cost of veterinary care. Ultimately I decided to only assume spay/neuter procedures and regular vet checkups for animals that were expected to live over ten years. (There’s nothing wrong with taking your pet mouse to the vet, but that seems like an extravagance for an animal that would only live to see two annual checkups anyway.)
Ultimately, I didn’t factor in the original cost of the animal at all. My local animal shelter has a program that gives senior horses away to good homes for free, but a serious competitive rider can easily spend tens of thousands of dollars on a promising jumper. The range is just too great. In general, adopting pets from your local shelter is not just the most compassionate and moral option, but also the cheapest.
Pets by the numbers
Amphibians | 3.25 | 1.50 | 0.50 | 2.25 | 0.75 | 8.25 |
Ants | 0.25 | 0.25 | 0.50 | 4.75 | 6.00 | 11.75 |
Cats | 4.25 | 4.00 | 3.50 | 4.00 | 2.00 | 17.75 |
Chickens | 3.75 | 3.00 | 5.00 | 1.25 | 1.75 | 16.25 |
Chinchillas | 3.00 | 2.00 | 3.00 | 2.25 | 3.00 | 13.25 |
Dairy Cow | 5.00 | 3.25 | 3.75 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 14.00 |
Dogs | 3.75 | 5.00 | 5.00 | 1.25 | 1.75 | 16.75 |
Ferrets | 2.25 | 4.00 | 1.50 | 2.25 | 3.25 | 13.25 |
Fish, Freshwater | 1.00 | 0.75 | 1.25 | 2.25 | 4.75 | 10.00 |
Fish, Saltwater | 0.75 | 0.75 | 1.25 | 2.25 | 4.75 | 9.75 |
Gerbils | 1.25 | 3.00 | 1.50 | 2.25 | 4.25 | 13.50 |
Goats | 4.25 | 3.50 | 5.00 | 1.25 | 1.00 | 15.00 |
Guinea Pigs | 2.00 | 3.50 | 3.00 | 2.50 | 3.75 | 14.75 |
Hampsters | 1.00 | 2.50 | 1.50 | 2.25 | 4.25 | 11.50 |
Hedgehogs | 2.00 | 3.00 | 1.50 | 2.25 | 3.75 | 12.50 |
Hermit Crabs | 3.00 | 1.50 | 0.50 | 3.00 | 5.00 | 13.00 |
Honey Bees | 1.50 | 0.25 | 4.00 | 4.25 | 5.00 | 15.00 |
Horse | 3.50 | 4.00 | 5.00 | 0.50 | 0.00 | 13.00 |
Lizards | 3.00 | 2.25 | 0.50 | 2.25 | 3.00 | 11.00 |
Llama | 5.00 | 3.25 | 4.25 | 1.25 | 0.75 | 14.50 |
Mice | 0.75 | 2.50 | 1.50 | 2.25 | 4.50 | 11.50 |
Parrots | 1.50 | 4.50 | 1.50 | 2.00 | 2.50 | 12.00 |
Pigs | 3.75 | 4.50 | 1.50 | 2.00 | 1.00 | 12.75 |
Rabbits | 3.00 | 3.25 | 3.00 | 2.25 | 2.75 | 14.50 |
Rats | 1.00 | 3.75 | 1.50 | 2.25 | 4.25 | 13.00 |
Snakes | 3.75 | 2.50 | 0.50 | 3.00 | 2.75 | 12.50 |
Songbirds | 3.00 | 2.75 | 1.50 | 2.25 | 4.00 | 13.50 |
Tarantulas | 3.00 | 1.00 | 0.50 | 2.25 | 0.75 | 8.25 |
Tortoise | 0.25 | 3.00 | 1.50 | 2.25 | 0.75 | 7.75 |
Turtle | 4.00 | 2.75 | 1.50 | 1.75 | 2.75 | 12.75 |
Before we get to the results, check out our other very controversial opinions on pets!
- Twelve Reasons Senior Pets Are an Awesome Investment
- So I Got Chickens, Part 1: Return on Investment
- Pet Insurance: Is It Worth It?
- So I Got Chickens, Part 2: Tragedies and Lessons Learned
- Clementine: A Heartwarming Case Study in Risk Taking
- So I Got Chickens, Part 3: Baby’s First Egg
Ranking pets: The results
#30: Tortoise
Total score: 7.75

The poor tortoise comes in dead last. Aesop could not be reached for comment.
My neighbor actually owns a pet tortoise. We only know because it escaped one day. I cannot tell you how surreal it was to drive down a quiet suburban lane and see a living dinosaur of rideable size lumbering across a manicured lawn. I wrenched the steering wheel out of my partner’s hand screaming, “GIANT TURTLE, BANG A UEY!”
The main factor in the tortoise’s rock-bottom score is its lifespan. These unstoppable badasses can live a century. A century! Technically I think that makes YOU the tortoise’s pet.
Obviously, signing up for a pet that could easily outlive you is a drawback. Its modest yearly upkeep (around $225) becomes rather unmanageable stretched over so many decades. If it weren’t for this, the tortoise would reign among reptiles: low-maintenance, adaptable, and moderately companionable.
#29: Amphibians (TIE)
Total score: 8.25

There was no appreciable cost difference between newts, salamanders, toads, and frogs, so I clumped them together.
Even the most ardent amphibian sub-Redditors affirmed they are neither affectionate nor useful. Aquarium maintenance is a time-suck, requiring manual labor, research, and specialty equipment.
Also, the most time- and cost-efficient way of providing them with live food is to buy a separate terrarium for crickets. So this pet requires… other pets? Other pets that will hide behind your toilet and chirp for the next two months if they escape? No thanks.
#29: Tarantulas (TIE)
Total score: 8.25

See above. Not affectionate, not useful, and not especially cheap.
I did some research into why tarantula owners like their charges, and found this excellent explanation:
“Well i like tarantulas because most look nice act mean and are really cool. I am also an awesome person.”
… Well, there you go!
Update: The MacElroy Brothers have really rounded out this conversation with a deep dive into the the rancho phenomenon which is now recommended reading for would-be tarantulateers.
#27 Saltwater Fish
Total score: 9.75

I’m bummed fish ranked so low, because aquariums are objectively beautiful. They’re also a great option for people with super severe allergies.
The issue with fish and other creatures with longer lifespans is that it’s harder to diagnose and treat their health problems. A dog is pretty explicit. He whines, limps, stops eating, falls to the ground with all four feet pointed upward as a single cartoon daisy pushes out of his chest, etc. It takes a much sharper eye to detect a fish in distress. Even then, you can’t exactly bring your angelfish to the vet for surgery.
Fish also require more equipment to keep alive than any other animal on this list. They live one power outage away from death. So metal.
#26 Freshwater Fish
Total score: 10.00

Freshwater fish are a bit hardier than saltwater fish, netting them a higher spot.
Upon leaving my much-hated hometown, I impulsively “rescued” a betta fish from the aquarium section of a 24-hour Walmart. He traveled with me to college in a Nalgene bottle and lived in a ten-gallon aquarium on my desk for many years. He was a good little fish.
#25 Lizards
Total score: 11.00

I used bearded dragons as a popular representative of pet lizards.
Lizards, like amphibians, are generally understood to lack the capacity for affection. They’re more affordable and require less maintenance than creatures of similar size that require watery habitats, but they’re similarly finicky about temperature and food. That means lots of specialized equipment, which means a low cost score for animals that are neither loving nor useful.
#24 Mice (TIED)
Total score: 11.50

Our first mammal! On the plus side, mice are extremely cute. They’ve also adapted to live in small spaces, which makes them cheaper and easier to maintain. On the downside, they live very short lives and are generally nocturnal and skittish, giving their owners very little chance to meaningfully interact with them. They aren’t really domesticated so much as bred in captivity and treated gently.
I’ve never technically owned pet mice, but sharing space with pest mice is an inevitable part of city living, and I’ve gotten strangely attached to them. They really are quite cute. Staying up all night writing term papers in a crumbling city dormitory, I used to feel like some kind of urban Disney princess, scattering Goldfish crackers in their direction and freeing them from glue-traps.
On the list of my favorite roommates, “Unspecified Mice” rank squarely in the middle.
#24 Hamsters (TIED)
Total score: 11.50

Hamsters live a bit longer than mice (three years versus two), which is a plus, but they also require a bit more space than mice. Otherwise, they’re quite similar. Both are nocturnal and skittish, limiting opportunities for interacting with the animals on their terms. A patient owner can certainly handle them, but they’re unlikely to independently seek interaction with humans.
#22 Ants
Total score: 11.75

Ants place this high on the list because they have outstanding scores in both time and cost metrics. In fact, ants were so cheap I actually broke my own model in order to give them a bonus point. Their lifetime maintenance cost is generously estimated at $10. The next creature down was close to $500. If you want a cheap, no-maintainence pet with all the personality of a houseplant, start an ant farm!
#21 Parrots
Total score: 12.00

I use “parrots” as a general term for large, intelligent tropical birds. (Specifically a cockatoo, a popular representative.)
Parrot-like birds score badly for many reasons. They’re nearly as long-lived as the tortoise: fifty or more years. They’re also the most intelligent on this list, as smart as human toddlers, which means they require a lot of time for providing supervision and stimulation. They absolutely cannot sit in a cage all day, but because they aren’t domesticated, they can also wreck a house if not properly trained and monitored. Owners of these birds spend more than any other pet owner at the vet’s office. They’re prone to health issues and extremely sensitive to stress. As a Humane Society volunteer, I used to get these birds surrendered after they’d plucked out all their feathers from stress bordering on insanity. Sad!
For these reasons, I personally don’t think it’s ethical to keep them as pets. They can certainly be well-kept and loved by human caretakers, but I wouldn’t feel right encouraging anyone to acquire one. In general, a flying toddler who costs ten thousand dollars and lives for sixty years is not a good investment.
#20 Snakes (TIED)
Total score: 12.50

I wanted a rosy boa so bad as a kid. They’re beautiful, soft and silky, and generally mild-tempered and open to handling. They don’t need to be fed as frequently as mammals, which means their waste accumulates more slowly, requiring less frequent cleaning. They’re also silent and generally cause zero damage to the household. Overall, snakes are the lowest maintenance reptile.
I cannot encourage you enough to consider a small, nonvenomous snake indigenous to your area. Boa constrictors and ball pythons are not on this continent for your amusement. Chill out, smoke some weed, and stick with corn snakes.
#20 Hedgehogs (TIED)
Total score: 12.50

Prickly, intimidating quills. A perfect baby fox face. Stupid button eyes. Tiny grunts. Weirdly long tongues. Hedgehogs are revoltingly cute.
The main things working against hedgehogs are their short lifespan (three to five years) and uneven temperaments. I’ve known a few who were curious and easy to handle, but more who were… um, grumpy.
Did you know hedgehogs hiss? And bite? And poop in a combative fashion? It’s considered normal for a “pet” hedgehog to do these things. They may never trust you enough to be handled. This might make them seem less like pets and more like grouchy roommates.
#18 Turtles (TIED)
Total score: 12.75

The greatest episode of House Hunters is unquestionably the episode where a luxury-obsessed, conventionally attractive Southern Belle searches for a house for herself, her two beloved turtles, and her complete afterthought of a boyfriend. The turtles go wherever she goes. She kisses them on their slick pebbly heads. And while she contemplates which house to buy, they frolic across her lap in a public park.
“So what to you guys think?” she drawls, consulting turtles Cass and Sammie. Finally she turns to her lame boyfriend and translates: “I think it’s pretty obvious. They want the mansion.”
Turtles live much briefer lives than tortoises, which greatly improves their score. Their diet can also be supplemented by cheap and easily-available cat food, which makes them easier to care for than any other tank-dwellers.
#18 Pigs (TIED)
Total score: 12.75

Pigs make surprisingly good pets. We’re talking about the potbellied variety. They’re affectionate, highly intelligent (the second smartest, after parrots), and can be house trained. Of all the farm animals, their utility score is lowest. They can’t be ridden, milked, trained to protect other livestock, or even provide useable manure. (Their classical utility is to be eaten, which is not factored into this list.)
There’s one big expense that isn’t reflected in the scores for the farm animals, and that’s space. I have to assume anyone considering a farm animal has adequate fenced-in space. There’s just no practical way of factoring in that kind of data. But I’m assuming everyone already knows these are absolutely not apartment pets.
#16 Hermit Crabs (TIED)
Total score: 13.00

I was kind of horrified to learn that hermit crabs live for 30 years, because I’ve never known one to live past six months. That’s probably because the containers they’re sold in at boardwalks and pet stores are deceptive. Hermit crabs require a much more complex environment, including constant warmth and high humidity. So they require the specialized equipment that holds other pets down.
Despite that, they’re easier to care for than all other semi-aquatic pets. Any owner who cares enough about them to read a book or a few online guides will realize how easy they are to keep alive. They require very little by way of substrate and food, and very little time each day, making hermit crabs one of the most economical of all pets. They’re also easily the most adorable crustacean.
#16 Rats (TIED)
Total score: 13.00

Finally! Our first legit cuddly animal!
Rats have a lot going for them. (Technically they’re ~*fancy rats*~ to differentiate them from the miniature-pony-sized creepers chilling on the train tracks, eating their own kind like “go on, judge me.”) They’re intelligent and can be trained to perform tricks. Rats recognize their owners and will often seek them out and even attempt to groom them.
Overall they’re inexpensive, though their short lifespans (only two or three years) are a major drawback. Their health is also far more delicate than you’d expect. They are very susceptible to respiratory infections.
#16 Horses (TIED)
Total score: 13.00

Shut your mouth and listen. Horses are amazing. Proof: they’re fast, they’re free, they’re wild, they’re powerful, they’re beautiful, they have perfect hair, they’re kith to unicorns, they make you very tall, they smell good, they don’t see race.
The horse received one of only three perfect scores for utility. Along with perfect-scorers dog and chicken, equine utility has shaped human history and culture. The horse’s ability to carry a human is a feat that took human invention six thousand years to replicate in the automobile. They also make excellent manure, carry heavy loads, assist with farm and civic work, and open up options for hiking and travel.
They hit other metrics too. A horse can easily live past twenty-five years. And they’re affectionate: I used to walk my dog past a neighbor’s farm, and her horses would come to the fence to greet me every time. I never had any snacks, but they’d walk next to me simply because they liked company.
Though a horse enthusiast from a young age, I’ve never owned a horse, and there’s a reason for that. Their annual upkeep costs more than any other animal on this list. Horses require acres of fenced space, large vehicles, regular care from a vet and farrier, expensive tack, and a tremendous amount of food. Alas! I’ll never own a horse, and I’ll never be at peace with it.
#13 Chinchillas (TIED)
Total score: 13.25

Chinchillas are among the longest-lived of the small mammals. They’re boisterous, funny, and cute, and their maintenance costs are on-par with other mammals of their size. Though very active, they’re quiet and odor-free. If I knew that life on earth was about to come to an end, I would probably just sit and watch a chinchilla taking a dust bath until Melancholia crashed into us.
The main reason chinchillas don’t make fantastic pets is that they’re quite skittish. They can be inquisitive and even bold, but they almost never enjoy being held or cuddled. They’re also crepuscular, meaning they’re active mainly at dawn and dusk, and prefer quiet during the day. You’ll easily meet their exercise requirements chasing them around the house to get them back in their cage. And for odor-free animals, they’re messy; they spray urine when annoyed, and their adorable dust baths make a tremendous mess.
One big factor in the utility score that has’t come up yet is the ability to compost waste. There are seven animals that make awesome manure: four farm animals and three small mammals. Chinchilla manure is GREAT.
#13 Ferrets (TIED)
Total score: 13.25

One of the greatest accomplishments of my young life was manipulating my divorcing parents into getting me a ferret. What can I say? Slytherins are born, not made.
Ferrets are playful, curious, smart, friendly, and affectionate. But my favorite thing is they’re weird. They’re like tiny cokeheads straight out of 1985. Release one from its cage and it will scurry up your leg and jackknife off into your trash can. Their mischievousness is a double-edged sword, because they’re also draining and occasionally destructive. Any cabinet without a childproof lock will be opened, and they’ll steal anything not nailed down. On the plus side, they’ll hunt any pest mice to extinction, giving their utility score a boost.
Ferrets are also smelly due to a strong, naturally-occurring musk. Their litter-use is also not as reliable as rabbits or cats. Definite not for everyone.
#11 Songbirds (TIED)
Total score: 13.50

This category is comprised of small birds like canaries, budgies, and finches. They score much higher than their larger counterparts for several reasons: They live manageable lifespans, are prone to fewer health problems, need less space and attention, and are generally much cheaper and easier to care for. The trade-off is that they’re not as bright, and thus not as attached to their humans.
Their cages need to be cleaned, but doing so is a snap compared to animals that burrow into shavings. They do fling seeds around, but the mess they create takes five minutes or less to clean per day. Their food is cheap and their cages and toys affordable. Most owners do not bother with veterinary care unless a specific issue comes up. In return for a small amount of care, they’re beautiful to look at and fill your home with glorious music.
#11 Gerbils (TIED)
Total score: 13.50

A lot of people don’t know the difference between gerbils and hamsters (gerbils have tails). So what makes them markedly better pets?
First of all, they’re diurnal, meaning they cycle through sleeping and waking every hour or two throughout the day so they’re more likely to be awake with you. Gerbils live in larger groups, so they’re more gregarious with humans. They bite less than hamsters and are more accepting of attention and touch. Hamsters fight with each other, even killing and eating one another; gerbils think that’s messed up.
And even though they live a full year longer on average, gerbils take up less time. As desert creatures, gerbils produce less waste. They also don’t have the hamster’s cheek-pouch/food-hiding impulse, which keeps their cage cleaner.
In short, gerbils are awesome little creatures. I recommend them as a first-time pet for responsible children. I’ve seen lots of kids lose interest in things like snakes and mice, but gerbils have a lot of personality and are well worth the modest labor required.
#9 Dairy Cow
Total score: 14.00

I researched smaller dairy breeds like Jerseys and Dexters. I cannot recommend keeping full-size cattle as pets unless you really know what you’re doing. If your dog greets you with too much affection, you might get a scratch on your leg; but if your steer greets you with too much affection, you might need spinal surgery.
If you’re committed to homesteading, owning a dairy cow is a huge commitment. They must be milked twice a day at minimum (every four to six hours is better), and you’ll have to keep them pregnant at consistent intervals to keep producing milk. They also produce much more than most single families can use, so you need a scheme to deal with the surplus. And of course they need a larger amount of food and land than most people can offer.
That said, dairy cows are sweet and gentle. They will affectionately follow you around the field, scratching their big heads against you and licking your hand. And they get top marks for cuteness. I can’t even with their shiny black eyes. And if you’re willing to go through the husbandry process, an excess of farm-fresh milk is a wonderful problem to have.
#8 Rabbit (TIED)
Total score: 14.50

Rabbits make great apartment animals because they’re quiet and don’t need a huge amount of space. They can use a litter box and should be allowed to roam freely for at least part of the day. Like chinchillas, they’re crepuscular. A well-socialized rabbit is snuggly and enjoys quiet human interaction. They’re not the cheapest pets, but they live a good long time and bond to their owners. (They’re also the most abandoned animal, after cats and dogs, so getting one cheaply and humanely from a rescue organization is a great option.) Rabbits will help you go through fruit and vegetable waste, and they produce great manure.
On the downside, their urine has a strong smell and they can chew inappropriately. Many are fine with being near their owner, but prefer not to be held. Some are aggressive, and some are so skittish they can be frightened to death. They’re not good fits for noisy or boisterous homes, and they’re not fans of strangers, even if the stranger lingers by the bed for half an hour, murmuring soft bunny-positive words. I’ve looked into this extensively. Emoticon with single tear.
#8 Llama (TIED)
Total score: 14.50

Are you surprised to see llamas so high on the list? They’re awesome pets for a very specific kind of owner.
Personality-wise, think of a llama as a six-foot-tall slightly aloof dog. They’re tremendously brave, keenly intelligent, and as livestock guardians they’re as reliable as dogs. That’s right: if you keep a few goats, sheep, or chickens, stick a llama in their pen and you’ll never lose another animal to predators! They’ll run off wolves, coyotes, foxes, eagles, and hawks. Additionally, they make great wool and can pull carts or carry heavy loads. They’re hardy mountain creatures who can cope with a wide range of temperatures and climates, making their care relatively cheap for such a large animal.
You need an acre of land to support one, and its adult weight is 300-400 pounds. This will exclude it as an option for many people, which is a shame, because llamas are exactly as cool as The Emperor’s New Groove said they were.

Notable mention: Alpacas
Alpacas are kin to llamas. They’re smaller, about a third the height and weight. (Llamas look you in the eye, alpacas look you in the nipple. MY EYES ARE UP HERE, ALPACAS.) They’re also more docile and timid than their larger cousins, which is a mixed bag. They don’t have the boldness and strong personalities of llamas, but they’re less willful and a little cheaper due to their smaller size.
#6 Guinea Pig
Total score: 14.75

I own two rescued guinea pigs. I am a thirty-year-old woman. And I am very cool and anyone who doesn’t think so is (a) jealous and (b) a hater.
The guinea pig is the top-ranked small animal for great reasons. Like the gerbil, they’re diurnal. Also like gerbils, they’re naturally social. They live in herds and can learn to accept a human as part of the crew. They’re friendly and quirky and weird. They make hilarious noises. They look like wigs with eyes! Because they’ve been bred in captivity for thousands of years, they’re generally both healthy and docile. While they aren’t quite as long-lived as rabbits, they still live significantly longer than other rodents.
Guinea pigs are just like us in that they cannot manufacture vitamin C, so they will happily live on apple cores, orange peels, lettuce stumps, broccoli stems, carrot greens, bean stalks, and other crap you’d otherwise throw away. In exchange they give you top-notch manure.
Because they can’t climb or jump high like other rodents, their cages can be built out of flexible, reusable materials. (Mine live in an enormous carved wardrobe, with little ramps built across each floor. It’s very Narnian.) They don’t require litter or substrate, just cheap and washable fleece bedding. Unlike rabbits, their urine doesn’t stink. They need a bath only rarely, but long-haired varieties do need occasional haircuts. I still feel really bad about the full Flock of Seagulls I gave to one of mine last summer.

If you worry about the responsibility of a pet, get a guinea pig. These fuckers won’t let you get away with shit. They recognize the sound of produce bags rustling from rooms away and will trumpet loudly to remind you of your Faustian agreement to keep them alive.
#5 Goat (TIED)
Total score: 15.00

Are you ready to live deliciously? Interested in a back-to-the-land, grow-your-own-food experience in suburbia? Get a goat.
They’re superbly useful in several dimensions: as living weed-whackers, garbage disposals, sources of manure, and milk and cheese producers. (The last requires husbandry, which did lower its score—I consider the breeding of animals a bit above-and-beyond what most people sign up for.)
Goats are super-duper cute and have strong personalities. They scream like weird humans. And they parkour off of other goats. They have rectangular pupils. They’re always asking you funny questions like “Wouldst thou like the taste of butter?” As herd animals, they’re naturally attention-seeking and gregarious. They like humans and don’t mind being petted, picked-up, and handled.
Small breeds like pygmies and Nigerian Dwarfs never get larger than a medium-size dog. Their space needs are conservative at fifty square feet, yet they still manage to create enough milk to feed a family. Truly, goats are an incredible example of harmonious domestication.
#5 Honeybees (TIED)
Total score: 15.00

Although bees ofter no companionship or affection, they produce a steady supply of honey, which can be consumed, gifted, or sold. The initial investment to get a hive going is high, and it’s recommended you not purchase used materials as you may unintentionally spread whatever bee-disease made them empty. But after this initial investment, bees require only 15-30 hours of attention every year, and a queen will live for 3-4 years. They’ll also pollinate any flowers or fruit trees you grow nearby.
If your neighbors are gardeners they’ll love you; if your neighbors are parents they’ll hate you; and if your neighbors are the hot, mean sister from Ever After, they’ll abuse their step-siblings and blame it on you. So messed up.

If you prize a low-maintenance and deeply useful animal but don’t particularly crave affection or interaction, bees are easily the best choice. I don’t keep bees myself, but I’ve designed my garden to attract as many of them as possible.
#3 Chickens
Total score: 16.25

Chickens get top utility scores because they passively and naturally do amazing things. Obviously they produce eggs, one of the most useful kitchen staples. They eat fleas, ticks, aphids, snakes, mice, and other hazards. Hens are fairly cheap and easy to maintain, and need very little land compared to other farmyard critters. They’re a bit messy and smelly, but they’re meant to live exclusively outside anyway.
Chickens are quirky little dinosaurs with strange habits and individual personalities, which is integral to the whole Pet Experience. They’re generally docile and will sit in your lap, accepting strokes. We’re talking hens, though. Roosters are territorial, and will even show their owners the business-end of their painful leg spurs. It’s a trade-off because roosters will protect hens from predators. In general they’re not recommended for first-time chicken owners.
The trickiest part of raising hens is figuring out what to do with them when they stop laying eggs. Most hens lay heavily for three to four years, sporadically for five to seven years, and will die at between nine and ten years. If you’re interested in them purely as pets, no problem. But if you’re in it for the eggs, might as well man up and eat them when they hit menopause. After all, that’s what society does to human women! Unless you’re a vegan, you’re already killing chickens—you’re just outsourcing the act of slaughter. If you raise them yourself, at least you’ll know that they had a great life and a quick death.
#2 Dogs
Total score: 16.75

Jesus, I don’t have to sell you on dogs, do I? Dogs have been humankind’s companions for fifteen millennia. Owning a dog releases so much stress that your risk of heart disease and high blood pressure go down. They ease social isolation and get you up off the couch and out of the house. They provide enormous benefit to society by acting as therapists, police, pest control, search and rescue, detectors, shepherds, guards, and guides.
Dogs get full marks for utility, and are the only pet to get a perfect score in companionship. There are only two factors that hold it back from the top spot.
The (only?) problems with dogs
The first is that their time investment is higher than many pets. Most need two walks per day plus some human-directed exercise. A dog is a commitment to be home at least once every eight hours, which is a daunting commitment for plenty of folks.
The second drawback is their lifespan. Veterinarians agree that smaller dogs and mutts typically live longer than large dogs or purebreds. A little terrier mix can live for sixteen or more years, but a Great Dane is pretty lucky to hit seven. The average lifespan is eleven to thirteen years, which just isn’t enough time to enjoy all the blessings that a dog can bestow upon you.
Which brings us to our #1 most financially efficient pet…
#1 Cats, motherfuckers
Total score: 17.75

It’s cats, motherfuckers!
I want to speak to the cat-haters for just a moment, before you skip down to the comments to flay me into rawhide. I love dogs. I’ve owned many dogs and I’ve fostered almost thirty. Okay? Dog-loving credentials established.
But dogs are pack animals. Millions of years of dog biology drives them to seek companionship and social harmony. When a dog loves a human, it’s at least partially because it’s easy and natural for it to do so. Cats, on the other hand, are independent hunters. When a cat loves a human, it’s actually working against its biology to do so. Think about that, okay? Because it’s pretty cool.
Yes, cats are not as immediately social as dogs. They range in personality type from asshole to wet lap puddle, giving us an average companionship score that’s a full point lower than a dog. Their utility scores are also lower, because although they’re great mousers and bug-catchers, they don’t have the dog’s drive for obedience, making them less versatile.
Give cats a chance
Cat vet bills are also a bit higher over their lifetimes—but that’s only because they live significantly longer. An indoor-only cat should have no trouble hitting fifteen years, and many hit twenty or more. Their annual upkeep is cheaper than dogs, mostly because an indoor-only cat doesn’t need to take regular medication (unlike dogs, who must have flea, tick, and heartworm medication administered monthly). In fact, my vet just advised us to dial back our cat’s yearly physical to once every three years and cease all vaccinations other than rabies. That means my cat now costs six times less than one of my dogs at the vet’s office.
Where the cat really shines is in the amount of time it takes to take care of them. Cats need three things to get along in a household: food, water, and a clean litter box. Providing those three things takes me about ten minutes every week. In exchange for those ten minutes, you get almost two decades of companionship. It’s nowhere near the amount of time required by most animals on this list. You can even head out of town for the weekend without hiring a pet sitter. Leave extra food and water and most cats will take care of themselves.
A cat’s ultra-fast metabolism means they spend more than half of each day sleeping. This makes them awesome pets for people who don’t have a lot of time to devote but still want companionship.
Final thoughts on pets
I walked into an animal shelter last year intending to get the hardest-luck cat they had. I walked out with a fourteen-year-old with crippling shyness and alopecia. She had an evil face and peach-fuzz continents of baldness stretching across her body. She spent our entire meeting crammed in a corner, hissing. The whole effect was very Fun Size™ Lord Voldemort. I brought her home and let her go free under my bed, thinking I might rarely see her. I was fine with having a cat whose only presence in my life was a slight dip in the food bowl.
Three days later, she emerged from underneath my bed and completely transformed my expectations of what a pet cat could be.
When I get home from work, she rushes to greet me with tiny birdlike chirps. When she wants attention, she extends her paw and gently taps me on the leg or the shoulder. She sleeps on my face and vibrates with violent purring. She has made herself the mother of our dogs—even our foster dogs—by kneading them, licking them, and sleeping on top of them. Sometimes I even catch her in the guinea pig cage, limbs folded beneath her, glowering beatifically as the guinea pigs chew on her fur.
She contributed many a /.l;;;;;;; and 21333333refdd to the writing of this article. Bless her. I hope I get a few more happy years with her.
Money aside… get some pets, y’all
I love all of my pets, past and present. Caring for them has taught me so many things. The weight of responsibility. The constancy of real love. The Vitamin C content of spinach. The pain of saying goodbye.
I love animals at least 30% too much. I have spent thousands of hours and thousands of dollars over my lifetime rescuing animals in need. I’ve done illegal things to rescue animals—that’s “illegal things,” plural.
I could and should work to dial it back, but I don’t and I won’t. Empathy and compassion don’t come naturally to me. I tend to be unsympathetic to humans because humans have agency whereas animals do not. That lack of agency seems to be what triggers an out-of-character flood of human feelings in my cold, titanium bosom. As I pursue my calling to be caring toward animals, I grow in my ability to be more flexible and forgiving of human failings.
Pets absolutely can fit into a frugal lifestyle. Their benefits are myriad and proven by both anecdote and science. And ultimately, everything is worth what you pay for it. My pets get me out of bed when I’m tired. My dogs make me leave the house when I’m feeling blue. The cat inspires me to be my best, most loving self. My guinea pigs educate me on what it’s like to be in an emotionally abusive relationship—very enlightening, you controlling little narcissists! My empathy for the downtrodden grows every day, you waddling pot roasts with silky woman hair!
Tell us about your pet below. Do you agree with our methodology? (I know you don’t, but whatever, where’s YOUR methodology, HUH?) Has your little investment performed well? How do you measure its success? How cute is it? Please describe it in detail, especially if it is a cow or a hedgehog, because I think they’re the cutest.
I just want to state for the record that I don’t care if dogs came in second place. THEY’LL ALWAYS BE FIRST IN MY HEART.
This was just so outrageously well-written and funny. Thank you.
Thank you for saying so, because I went FULL A Beautiful Mind on this one.
OMG. This is SO my kind of genius! I must admit the “this is all woo-woo and unscientific” got me giggling. And I’ll also admit I did the TL/DR scroll thing….long scroll….where are the fucking cats?….scroll….Really?….where are the cats? Oh. “#1 Cats, motherfuckers.” (spit take) Best subhead EVER. This Lady is and shall always be a crazy cat Lady. In fact, it’s kinda my end goal. To be the woman cursing to herself about the state of the world, all the while treating her fur babies like queens. Pets are a remarkable gift. And mine MAY eat better than I do…because I promise you the lunch in front of me right now is NOT a fancy feast. Great and super fun read. (So, whose the science geek over there? Cause this smells of B.S.)
Heheheheh, thank you! Cat ladies 4 lyfe!
Just wanted to tell you about my pet mouse who has been a surprisingly wonderful companion. I adopted Klaus about a year and a half ago from a friend who couldn’t take care of him any more – male mice can get territorial and he got a bit fighty with his brothers so had to be separated. I have had many small furries (rabbits, rats, hamsters, guinea pigs) and they’ve all had a huge amount of personality, and he’s been no different. He “calls” me when it’s time to go out by chewing on the bars of the cage at 22:15 every night. He will wait for me to put my hand in the cage and step onto it, literally making little chattering noises of excitement when I put him on my bed so he can have his play time (his favourite thing is exploring). He also likes to watch what’s going on in the room. Cheapest pet I’ve ever owned, he eats tiny amount and I got the cage for free and make most of his toys out of eggboxes and toilet rolls, and you can leave him on his own for a couple of days with a bit of extra food which is helpful if I need to make an overnight trip. He’s a great traveller, having come with me on the train and we’ve lived in London, Manchester and Bristol. He’s nocturnal like me (I’m a computer science student) and it’s nice to have company while I’m working on my dissertation. Plus mice are SO SMOL and super cute and tiny and they have these little tails that curl around your wrist when you hold them <3. Only downside is male mice can be more smelly than I would have thought possible, but I figured out washing his toys (and the associated smelly markings) every few days plus a scented candle or two does the trick. I don't know how to add a photo but he has got an instagram by popular request (@klaus_de_maus) because he charms everyone. Ok, mouse rant over! <:3(((())))~~~~~
I live for mouse rants. Klaus sounds ADORABLE. IMO top three cutests on this list are hedgehogs, cows, and mice. I hope you guys have much more happy time together!
I also had wonderful mice – Cassiopeia and Calliope. They were incredibly sweet and affectionate, and would sit on my shoulder or head and watch TV with me (they only pooped on me a few times).
Hamsters are really inconsistent – my sister had the. Most. Wonderful hamster in the world, and he was cuddly and lovable, and just adored being with humans. Her second hamster, however, was a nasty little biter. I guess you win some, you lose some.
I love the naaaaames! Your little muses…
Fantastic article, clearly a lot of research went into this. Also this in particular “In general, a flying toddler who costs ten thousand dollars and lives for sixty years is not a good investment.” made me LOL, and got me some weird looks… I’ve had pet mice, rats, dogs, fish, and a gecko. Must say these ratings are spot on from my experience. I would LOVE the land to support chickens and goats… a girl can dream.
I know this is an old article but imma comment anyway lol
I appreciate how much research you’ve put into this. Nothing drives me up the wall like seeing ‘[insert extremely sensitive lizard or amphibian here] are great starter pets that require little maintenance!’ or ‘a beta fish requires nothing but a small bowl!’
I just want to say, though, that budgies are NOT like songbirds and I don’t think they should be placed in a category with finches and canaries. You said you worked with parrots before so I don’t want to mansplain (petsplain?) to you or anything, but people always underestimate a parakeet’s intelligence and they often don’t receive the care they should.
Budgies are parrots and just because they’re small doesn’t mean they don’t require hours of interaction and enrichment daily. It’s true that they’re less destructive and loud, but they’re much smarter than songbirds (they can learn a lot of words, some know dozens of phrases, and they can do complex tricks) and like big parrots, shouldn’t be left to sit in their cage. Budgies can be quite emotional and sensitive and do get attached to people – if their mate dies or they’re neglected they can get depressed and start plucking too, although it is absolutely more common in larger parrots species.
This is also true for other small parrots like lovebirds, cockatiels, and parrotlets. It’s just worse with budgies because they’re $25 instead of $250.
(Also I wouldn’t say they have glorious music so much as various flavours of screams lol)
I like this article and love your blog as a whole, I just know how much work small parrots are and how underestimated they can be and I wrote this so anyone who reads the comments and is considering pet birds doesn’t assume budgies and finches require the same care. I agree that parrots are not fit to be pets – not any of them, big or small, and although Budgies and cockatiels are doable by someone with the right knowledge they’re not for someone expecting an easy pet. They’re not domesticated either.
Aha! I know this is old but like the person above me I too desire to comment.
I adopted a kitten when my Depression Age was sky high. Unfortunately, due to some unforeseen circumstances at my previous housing place, he passed away almost a year ago. Shortly before he passed, I also adopted a teeny tiny chihuahua puppy. And when my kitten passed, I waited a few months… and I adopted another cat, because why not.
Then at the beginning of December, I ended up accidentally adopting a pet guinea pig (singular, unfortunately – it was kind of a rescue situation, sort of, and I don’t have the means or space for another one at the moment) and my boyfriend’s biggest problem with this was that all these animals cost so much money. I’m going to have to show him this and be like BRUH! Check. This. Out.
OMG…absolutely impressive amount of research has gone into this.
I am the proud owner of pets #1 and #3…..maximum reward minimum effort. I can leave them for a few days and all is fine :).
I think you should have separated this list into two utility lists (apartment and house) because for some animals the utility goes down a cliff if you own that animal in an apartment instead of a house. For example, the bees have a lot of utility if you live in a house but almost none if you live in an apartment. A similar situation can be seen with cats catching mice/rats (there just aren’t a lot of mice in apartments now days and if you have that issue, you just call the maintenance guy who solves the issue for free instead of using your cat). Also, I would factor in “dangerousness” of owning that animal, since some of those animals on the list can do serious harm and end up increasing your medical bills and/or get you fined. For example, there were cases of tarantulas killing their owners while not a single bunny had ever killed its owner. I, personally, own two pure breed cats (German shorthaired). I trained them to be my alarm clocks and wake me up in the mornings. So far, they weren’t wrong a single time. They also require minimum effort on my part and pretty much do what they want. I also used to own rabbits, with very expensive fur (they were one of those niche breeds). It was like living, breathing, $25k to $30k walking around the house. 😀 I didn’t sell them them but they would have brought a huge profit if I did.
Favorite post so far! Finally visiting after hearing you on Bad With Money podcast a while back. I’ve had a lot of pets over the years – at one time I had 2 rabbits (one of who would dominate the other by dry humping – they were two females), a snake (Kenyan sand boa), 2 parrakeets (taken in from my sister who could not keep them at the time – never been a bird person myself – and yes, totally agree with the above commenter, though it helps if you have a pair as they are company for each other), and a cat, then, crazily enough, won a puppy in a raffle at an exotic animal show (such a bad idea – raffling animals…), which was crazy TOO MANY PETS, so my best friend who had been wanting a small dog adopted him after a week. Now I have no pets, as I find it difficult enough to care for myself at the moment. I wanted to report on hedgehogs, though. My mom had one while I was living with her for 9 months – they are indeed super cute. I used to pick him up as a prickly little ball, but then in a minute or two he would relax, his spines would flatten and then after getting used to me would chew and lick my hand and then fall asleep in my lap. He only lived about 2 years, though, and you had to take the time with him for the above scenario to happen – my mom never really had that kind of time to just sit there quietly – either active (dog) or self-sustaining (cat, turtle) pets seemed to work best for her activity level and lifestyle. Great blog, ladies!!
This is an old post, but I just want to say that every time I talk to someone about pets now, I tell them cats are objectively the #1 pet because this article says so. 🙂
THANK YOU! No matter how old the post, the warm glow of being right never fades…
EXCUSE ME lizards deserve higher because they are nice to look at, take basically no daily care once you’re set up (poop check no time at all, food takes like a minute tops) and it’s so funny to watch a bearded dragon miss its food that’s right in front of its face because its got no depth perception
This is my favorite article on our site because every few months we get this exact comment from some pet owner stanning a different animal. Just waiting for the indignant beekeepers to get bingo on this card! <3
Great article and great writing! Just a few little things, and it goes for commenters as well. First, mice aren’t nocturnal, they are actually crepuscular, they have just adapted to the humans’ schedule. Second, anyone who says one boy mouse needs to be separated from other boys because of fighting – hold on to your butts. Male mice fight and often to the death. It’s territory. It’s the chicks, man, the does. And while taking a mouse to the vet might be extravagant to some people, it’s essential to me and others I know. They are prone to URIs, and although there are ways of dealing with illness at home (some fish meds are identical), sometimes they have to go I’ve had more than 30 and I can count on one hand how many wanted nothing to do with me. They know me. They run out from their little hides like “MOMMY!!!!!” And they have almost all been super sweet and loved to be held. And they’ll Ed sitting on my shoulder or burrowing into my hair. Males do smell considerably worse than females, and in my experience, get attached to you differently. On rare occasions you might be able to keep brothers raised together that way. Not my experience. So for a boy mouse, you are their EVERYTHING. They can be skittish but if handled properly they become far less so. They can freak out and die of fear – I had one almost die on me while medicating. The lifespan is usually a year and a half to two years. I have a friend who has had them live up to five.
And cats… I have 7. I am a proud crazy cat lady. I will say this – they really are ninja assholes with razor blades on their feet.
This is everything I want in commentary on this article and I’m in love with you and your mice too.
I adopted my cat, Tink (Tinkerbell) — she came with the name, I would have named her Scout or Storm due to her grey and white color, from her former owner who was moving in with her boyfriend who did not like cats. She was 5 years old and I’ve had her since the Fall of 2018. I was moving closer to work to lessen my 1.5hr one-way commute and was looking to adopt an adult cat in the near future at the time. I was told she’d hide for a few days but, she never did…I’ve been told I’ve been good with animals (cats and dogs) all my life. She’s now my favorite grad school buddy after moving with me to live with family while getting through grad school. She’s gotten me through the loss of my grandmother (dementia) in early 2020 — I knew that if I didn’t take care of her then no one else would. If I could empty a litter box (she is a healthy weight, has a food dispenser and water dispenser) then, I could brush my teeth, which would then turn into a shower, and then make a low maintenance meal (i.e rice and beans). She’s a great little support buddy and a great sleep cuddler.
Cats ARE number one! Thank you!
I did appreciate your ranking system… well-done. Lots to think about, since there are some other animals I’d like to consider if I ever become self-sufficient enough to manage more than a cat, while sharing expenses with family.
She is a beautiful lanky black creature from the humane society; when my childhood calico died, I lasted a month before going back for more.
My little black cat was just six months old and instantly made strong eye contact. After that she was following me around, tripping me, hissing at me for being so clumsy, pleading for me to pet her, and climbing up onto my back to claim me.
So that’s how she picked me.
After establishing that I am, in fact, a Large Cat (by spotting her in the dark, out-sneaking her, having the faster pair of paws, and demonstrating my terrifying pouncing abilities) she has permanently bonded to me and is my tiny shadow, my witchy familiar… she’ll even go on hikes with me. She’s shown me short-cuts! She has brought in and released a LIVE mouse in the house for her entertainment. She has launched herself out of a dead sleep into a backflip across the room at least three times, and she always acts like it is my fault.
She likes to watch TV with us, especially if there are cats or people eating.
She is incredibly smart and incredibly goofy, and I adore her.
Everyone who adores cats comments on this post… Well, I am too. Yes, cats are absolutely #1, the adorable little motherfuckers. I am currently unemployed due to Long Covid, and considering the merits of getting a cat/guinea pig for companionship (not to mention the sense of accomplishment from taking care of it, because I WILL even if it kills me, when even going on a walk takes a lot of my energy) versus the fact that I currently have no income. This has helped my contemplation…
The amount of snark and research you put into each post is why I love this blog. Rock on, bitches.
Aw shucks. Thanks Liz!!!
My personal attitude toward cats is that I prefer dogs, but if I absolutely could not have a dog… I’d get a cat. You can’t beat the financial efficiency!
As someone who has both honeybees and horses I must advocate for their spots to be reversed simply because bees are the only creature on my property (which includes cats, dogs, horses, bees, and a burro who was supposed to be a pack animal but has bamboozled us into letting him be cute for a living) that cause angst
For instance, I called my beekeeping mentor over yesterday because my queen is suddenly laying like a weirdo (she had a beautiful, tight brood pattern last year, and they have has no signs of European Foulbrood, thank goodness!) and we literally spent an hour angsting over why this bee is suddenly being weird about laying, and at the end of it ultimately we decided to give her two weeks to get her act together and if she doesn’t then I’ll requeen
Then we angsted about how the honey smelled like dirty socks until we did some research and it turns out the flowers blooming right now make the honey smell like dirty socks
Who knew?
I also think 15-30 hours a year is a very low estimate in terms of time commitment, easily it will double once you add time researching and angsting about your girls, and a package of bees can easily run you $200. I was too paranoid to buy used gear and I think that ran me around $300 – it’ll be a long time before my girls make enough honey and pollinate enough veggies for them to have been a wise investment!
I also live in a region where you can’t harvest honey from them in your first year of beekeeping otherwise they won’t survive the winter, and even then, they STILL might die if you don’t feed them – I kept my hive alive through their first winter and experienced beekeepers in my area are impressed that I managed, but I spent months this winter angsting about their survival and floundering out to the bee yard in multiple feet of snow looking for signs of life and also to make sure the hive wasn’t covered by a snow drift. I opened the hive as soon as I could to give them food and they were so hungry and cranky they considered coming after me, but I was so thrilled they were alive to come after me that I shed three tears of joy and gave them a bunch of food before I closed up the hive and angsted that I’d let too much cold air in. My mentor lost two hives this year due to moisture issues from an unusually wet winter – you’re never so experienced or knowledgeable you can’t lose a hive.
By contrast my horses are easy to understand and their needs are as clear as the finest Venetian glass, plus they lovingly nibble on my hair, carry me places, make excellent compost for my garden, and don’t smell like dirty socks no matter what plants are blooming
I love my girls, but IMO, they are not even a little practical! If you want honey, just buy from a local beekeeper and save yourself the time, money, and emotional energy.
However, if you want a new and exciting lifestyle choice, go with the bees!