Federal student loan forgiveness has been through a lot recently. She’s not looking pretty. She needs a massage. Her T-zone is breaking out. Which means this article does not reflect the current state of loan forgiveness. We’re leaving it up because we think it contains useful context. But if you want our most current news on student loan forgiveness, you can find it here.
In the superhero origin story of Bitches Get Riches, student loan debt was our very first super villain. Only through defeating it did we become the Bitches, mighty warriors for truth, justice, and the debt-free way.
And since that legendary victory, we’ve had a lot to say about student loan debt: how it’s a uniquely predatory form of debt, how hard it is for many to escape, and why those desperate enough to get into student loan debt shouldn’t feel ashamed for wanting a way out.
So it should surprise no one that in the debate over whether or not federal student loan debt forgiveness should be a thing, our position is a resounding hell yes.
This week on the podcast we let out all the repressed rage we’ve been holding in at those who say things like “I don’t want to pay for someone else’s education,” and “I paid my student loan debt and so should you.” So tune in (or read the transcript below) to rage-scream with us!
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