The time has come at last for us to do the thing every single mentor in our industry has told us to do for, like, four years: stop trying to do absolutely everything ourselves. The Bitches are hiring a few lil’ helpers!
Consider this proof of our emotional growth. Poverty mindset is like the smell of burnt popcorn: it lingers on and on, long after snacktime is over.
We started this blog as the kind of people who will stuff their faces with day-old bagels because they were left on a table outside the conference room. And damnit, we are still very much those people! We’re so not used to the idea that it might make sense to… pay? Someone else?? To do work we could very well do ourselves?!? LMAO OKAY.

But, our little blog ain’t so little anymore. Our style of writing requires heaping fistfuls of spoons. We’re finally ready to acknowledge that invisible, non-fun administrative work is snatching up far too many of said spoons.
It’s time to bravely don our competent businesswomen cosplay outfits, and strut around the hotel lobby like we know what we’re doing!
So… we’re hiring!? <breathes into a paper bag>
The roles the Bitches are hiring
We are hiring two roles: a community manager and a podcast producer & editor.
This seems like a good opportunity to practice what we preach! We’ll be as transparent as we can about what we’re looking for, and what we can offer right now. Here’s the tl;dr.
The pros of working for us
- Your bosses are cool as hell.
- We value human happiness over business results.
- Work whenever you want, wherever you want.
- We don’t give a shit about your educational attainment.
- Pitch independent projects based on your interests.
- Don’t like the job title? Pitch us a different one. WDGAF!
The cons of working for us
- Your bosses are dumbasses.
- We can’t pay you very much… yet!
Our monetization strategy has traditionally been hissing like a feral cat at the very idea of having a monetization strategy. So we’ve decided to frame these roles as short-term contracts. That will give us space to constantly reevaluate our finances and see if we can do better by everyone.
The Bitches are hiring a community manager
We want to grow the scope and reach of Bitch Nation. A community manager would help us do that in two ways. First, they would absorb some of the non-strategic administrative work that’s currently falling on us.
- Answering emails
- Moderating comments on the blog
- Formatting and scheduling posts for social media
- Making new creative assets based on our templates
- Taking on small writing and proofreading tasks
- Scheduling interviews, recording sessions, and speaking events
- Facilitating recurring check-in meetings
- Keeping an eye on our metrics and analyzing changes and patterns
- Researching solutions to problems that arise as we grow
We would also like this person to independently identify and own a special project from start to finish! We don’t care what it is, as long as it’s something you think will help us grow. Bring us your ideas! Piggy and I have been mind-melded for a long time; we’re open to an outside perspective from someone who may think of things we wouldn’t. For this reason, understanding our mission and audience is a huge plus.
This role will last for three months. At that point, we’ll ask two questions: “Were you successful?” and “Is this still fun?” If the answer to both is yes, we’ll invite you back to either repeat the cycle, or design a new role for you based on what we all learned.
Type of Role: Independent contractor
Pay: Hourly, $20/hour
Total Commitment: 3 months, with an option to renew
Weekly Commitment: 5-10 hours of work per week, with flexibility to move in either direction
Ideal Candidate: Likes us, knows our audience, gets our mission. Helpful, honest, keeps track of small details. Very good at The Internet. Has the vision to see better ways to do things, the initiative to bring those ideas to us, and the follow-through to test them in the field.
The Bitches are hiring a podcast producer & editor
For the first two seasons of our podcast, we’ve scripted, recorded, edited, and published everything ourselves. And my fingers are going to fall off if I try to do it all again while also maintaining our regular writing schedule! It’s time for a pro to deliver season three into the world.
Our seasons are 12 episodes long. We generally record 2-3 episodes in a session, so plan on 4-6 recording sessions of about two hours each. Our target length for each episode is 20-30 minutes. We like a loose edit, as we riff quite a bit. But we would rather leave good stuff on the floor than subject our audience to painfully long chatter sessions.
As editors ourselves, we’re super easy clients. Just think: you’ll never have to explain why you can’t just wave your magic technology wand and make us say shit we didn’t say! We are very good about consolidating feedback. Unless some wild shit is going down, V2 should always be the final.
We’ve used Adobe Audition in the past, but we don’t really care what programs you use. We will happily take any advice you can give us about improving sound quality!
Type of Role: Independent contractor
Pay: Per project, $100 per episode
Total Commitment: 12 episodes
Weekly Commitment: 1 episode published per week
Ideal Candidate: Likes us, knows our audience, gets our mission. Great sense of humor, good ear for flow, and a ruthless editing sensibility. Comfortable giving some direction to increase the punchiness and clarity of what you have to work with. Experience troubleshooting through a normal amount of remote recording challenges.
Oh shit, can you do BOTH?!
One person could theoretically fill both roles! In my first job, I was “the intern who managed all the print creative, edited the videos, kept the books, and fixed the toilet when it broke.” But we know such versatile individuals are rare—and if I’m any indication, overuse ensmoothens our brains anyway. So we’re not getting our hopes up!
But if you exist, we’d sure like you to apply! We will not only hike up the pay, but also put on golden bikinis, lay you down upon a velvet settee, and hand-feed you grapes while weeping in gratitude.

How to apply
Let me level with y’all: I have no idea what’s going to happen when I hit “publish” on this bad boy. Are we gonna get six applications? Or six hundred? If we do get an avalanche, it would be impossible to review every single resume and portfolio with the consideration each candidate deserves. And that just doesn’t feel fair.
With this in mind, we’ve designed a very short preliminary survey that will help us immediately identify people who might be temperamentally suited to the job. We value a cultural fit over anything else! Because skills can be taught, but attitude cannot.
So if you’re interested, please follow the link below. If your answers are interesting, we’ll reach out and ask for your resume and any portfolio items you want to show us.
We will keep submissions open for one week, with no preference given to the order they come in. That way, everybody who wants to can shoot their shot.
Update: The application window is officially closed. Thanks to everyone who applied! We love y’all.
This is awesome for you guys! I don’t anticipate having a blog that ever requires real work and maintenance, but if I did I would reluctantly hire some helpers to prevent it from becoming “work,” which defeats the purpose! Glad you’ll have more time to focus on writing, and yay for job creation!
I just want to say, I 100% agree on your podcast length. I have been trying to use the medium more. However, I find that in this topic area, I am often screaming at my phone…”get to the f-ing point.” Some pf podcasts have interesting topics, but if I have to press the +30 seconds button 50 times, it kinda defeats the purpose of having it on in the background. Because let’s face it, most money nerds aren’t the life of the party (present company excluded). Even Conan O’Brien whom I love, limits his silly banter to a few minutes and the rest is the meat of the interview.
Congrats btw. I am glad you are going to invest in keeping it going. I have thoughts of resurrecting my blog again but the administrative stuff that I’d have to do first before I got back to writing has been too big a deterrent thus far.
*Thank you!* That’s exactly what we go for, so it’s very validating to hear that it comes across.
The world has soooooo many amazing films, tv shows, podcasts, videos, games, and music. In one lifetime, we can only experience a tiny limited fraction of it. So I have no patience for boring media. It feels disrespectful to waste people’s time with aimless banter, wandering off subject, repeating ourselves, and generally taking our sweet time saying whatever the hell it is we’re here to say. We try really hard to “be brief, be bold, be gone!”